15th Otley Science Festival: November 13th – 18th

We’ve been working at it for quite a while and now have confirmed another great line up for this, our 15th Science Festival.

Once again we have a set of great speakers on diverse topics, another Science Quiz (with food option), a Science Café, and something different – a Friday evening introduction to cheese science, with tasting! Plus, of course, a series of daytime schools shows.

In addition the popular Science Fair (Saturday 18th) will be bigger than ever – we have expanded into an additional venue, the nearby Bridge Church, to provide more space for activities, stalls and workshops. Not to be missed!!

You can find the full schedule here on the Festival 2023 page. As we write there are a few session details to be added, plus we’re not yet selling tickets. But watch this space and all will be complete soon 🙂

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